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YFS Minutes 12/06/2016
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
                                            Minutes December 6, 2016; 5:30 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Members Present:
Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs. representative
Jonathan Paradis, Secretary;  Parks and Recreation Representative
Lisa Castro, School Representative
Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative
Kiwon-Paul Dionne Jee, Student Representative
Philip Max Ledwith, Student Representative

Also Present:
Heather McNeil, Director Y&FS
Gerri Lewis,  Clerk

Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member
Christi Staples, PCI Housing Representative
Sarah Anderson, Student Representative
Sophie Alden, Student Representative
Sharon Tiezzi, At-large member

Jean Lorenz, Intern UConn School of Social Work

Call to Order
Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.  He welcomed attendees.  

Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Barnes led the pledge of allegiance.


Comments from the Public   None

Review and Approval of Minutes
A motion made by Mr. Paradis to approve the minutes of November 1, 2016, was seconded by Mr. Ledwith and was so VOTED with one abstention.


Chairman’s Comments  
Chairman Barnes noted that he was coaching the high school soccer team and thus the reason for being absent from the last few meetings.  He welcomed Ms. Castro who replaced Ms. Kane.

Intern, Jean Lorenz noted how surprised she was to see how involved Youth & Family Services was in the community and how aware and involved the students were in the community.

Director’s Report
Ms. McNeil thanked all for coming.  She reported on the following:

  • Winter Stroll:  Ms. McNeil asked if anyone wanted to comment.  Mr. Dionne noted that he thought there were less people this year.  YAC students face painted.
  • Budget:  Ms. McNeil noted the importance of attending the January 3rd meeting to vote on the budget.
  • Governors Prevention Partnership:  Mr. Dionne noted that he sent in his application.  He reported that the first meeting will be on December 13th.  Students will be working more directly with the Governor.
Mr. Ledwith noted that E-3 is now focusing town wide; there are lesson plans.  There were 70 attendees at YAC meeting; so many because sports ended.  He noted that the meeting was disruptive due to the many attendees.  He would like to find another location to meet.

Ms. McNeil commented that Mr. Ledwith was a great role model and facilitator.  She asked if breaking into small groups would make the meetings more manageable.  

  • YAC: growth/sustainability/parent involvement:  Ms. McNeil noted for the parent involvement piece, perhaps hold an activities day in April at Clark Field and give the parents a perspective of what YAC does.
  • Local Prevention Council: Ms. McNeil noted that they met today at Y&FS office.  Discussed what it would take to get parents more involved.
  • Holiday Giving Program:  Ms. Mills put businesses and families together for “Adopt a Family”.  
Also Ms. McNeil noted that Christmas gifts could be brought to the firehouse on December 15th and 16th.


Old Business – Ms. McNeil reported that OSPD gave out 600 turkeys and Youth & Family Services gave out 300 turkeys.  The surplus turkeys will be given out during the Christmas Holiday.

Ms. McNeil reported that the HEAT dinner generated over $8K.

Ms. McNeil noted that YAC will be caroling at Gladeview on December 15th.


New Business - None


Other Business –– Ms. McNeil noted the following:
  • Looking at 9 town transit for used van – looking in 2017.  Y&FS is first on list.
  • YAC is open to all students who live in town.
  • Ms. Castro reported that she would get dates from Cardone & Daughters so that she could coordinate a teen auto maintenance class.


Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 6:13 p.m. by  Ms. Castro  seconded by Ms. Kennedy and was so VOTED unanimously.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk